
Duration : 2.5 Months

Linux essentials

  • Linux basics-logging in to the system, changing users
  • Understand the Linux file system, Running commands and getting help
  • Browsing the file system , Customize your X Windows System
  • Open, edit and save text document using the VIM text editor
  • Text processing tools-grep,cut, sed, diff & patch
  • Perform common task using the Graphical GNOME GUI
  • Reading and setting permissions on files and directories
  • Graphical configuration tools to manage networking & Printing
  • Installing Linux,Display web pages using web web server

Linux System Administration

  • Control common system hardware
  • Create and maintain the Linux file system
  • Configure and NFS client and autofs, Understand system boot sequence
  • Understand the Linux kernel & set kernel parameters
  • Configure network on IPV4 & IPV6
  • Configure workstation as aclient to NIS, DNS & DHCP services
  • Install Linux interactively and with Kickstart
  • Install, remove, query new package using rpm & yum
  • Printing & administration tools,Automate tasks with at, cron and anacorn
  • Back up file system to tap and tar archive
  • Advance user and group administration with SUID/SGID & sticky bit
  • Configure basic host security with access control list & SELinux
  • Manage & configure GNOME desk top environment
  • Perform basic performance, memory, and process management
  • Configure RAID & LVM advance file system
  • Use Xen Visualization to create & manage guest OS
  • Perform basic troubleshooting

Linux Network & Security Administration Security Administration

  • System performance & introduction to Security,Benefits of system monitoring
  • Secure system with SELinux & tepwrappers Security,Password & kernel security
  • IPV6 Routing, Dynamic & static interface configuration
  • Configure firewall with iptables,Deploying DNS & DHCP server
  • Configure and manage FTP, NFS & Samba server
  • Implementing Apache web server,Content filtering through squid proxy server
  • Configure and manage mail server with send mail and postfix
  • Securing system with physical, network & local security
  • Secure data with symmetric & asymmetric encryption
  • Account management with pluggable Authentication Modules